domingo, 13 de janeiro de 2008

Sign by a dream

She has never been that mystical.
But had always trusted her feelings, her sixth sense. And most than that, she has always trusted in signs.
She had been searching for those for about a month. Anything could mean something.
She could analyze which of them was a sign or was not. And those signs never appeared. Rarely saw one. Or had admitted it was one.
Anyway, she followed her intuition and wishes. She never regrets doing what she felt like. Regarding but confident, kept waiting for something to guide her. But it never came.
Tired of waiting, despite not letting go or even forgetting or giving up, she knew it was over.
It didn’t happen the time she wasn’t expecting. It was not a surprise. She had still dreaming of.
And had a dream. And it was everything she was asking for. It was a sign.
It said exactly what her intuition, her sixth sense, her humor was telling, screaming for her.
Yes, it was over.

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